
A couple of years ago I showed L a photo and said that I wanted to have my hair like that. He liked it and said it would be cool. I put off the plans for a while because I really like my short hair. But I came back from Vienna in April, determined to…

Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu

When we were in Copenhagen in 2013, before going to Amsterdam, I went to cut my hair and the girl had a beautiful shade of blue on hers. We made lots of comments between us and decided that one day I would paint mine in blue. But purple is my color. The problem with purple…

Purple Rain

There are things I want to do and never do. I share some, others not. Is nice to share so people are prevented even don’t believe that one day I will do it. L already encourages me and when I hesitate, he challenges me (the trick is to tell him to be challenged). So finally…