The Long Nails

I’ve always liked long nails, I think it’s because I have small, chubby hands. Long nails make them more acceptable. But long nails and housework are sometimes incompatible, even wearing gloves. After long battles between conservation and breakage, long conversations with L, I opted for acrylic stretching and for a long time I had them…

Shine On You …

A viking tattoo deserves my viking cum. (I) Shine on you (my) crazy diamond. Shine on you crazy diamond, by Pink Floyd


A woman can be satisfied with just one finger. Don’t be proud of the size of your cock, be pride in knowing how to use it.

Let’s Play II

This is from the vid on Playing II. L said there: “Its the most sensual feeling when her long nails push all the way up my cock opening. It made me so hard and wanting to cum all over her wonderful nails and hands. Do it again and again my dear!” So i did…


I love hearts and L knows that. And he owns all of them, unless the ouroboros. :-)   Btw, yesterday the doctor said my heart conditions are perfect!

Playing II

As L said on Nails – Week 9 “Its the most sensual feeling when her long nails push all the way up my cock opening. It made me so hard and wanting to cum all over her wonderful nails and hands. Do it again and again my dear!” Here is a vid for you. If…